Strategyzer Executive Advisor

Michael N. Wilkens

Contact me here

Better revenue instead of

more revenue

RESILIENCE as a Strategy is a new way of increasing the value of your company where focus is on revenue predictability instead of revenue growth.

What is "RESILIENCE as a Strategy"?

Discover how a company’s RESILIENCE reflects the composition of three revenue categories: Fixed, Predictable and Variable.

Introduction to RESILIENCE

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Hvad Er RESILIENS Som En Strategi - Med Knap

Why choose RESILIENCE as a Strategy?

Gain insight into how RESILIENCE as a Strategy can strengthen businesses in an unpredictable world.

Property 1=Introduktion Til RESILIENS Som En Strategi, With Play Icon=Yes 1

How do you increase a company's RESILIENCE?

Learn how to boost company RESILIENCE by increasing revenue predictability and strengthening customer relationships.

Property 1=Introduktion Til RESILIENS Som En Strategi, With Play Icon=Yes 2

When is RESILIENCE a better strategy than growth?

When should RESILIENCE take priority over growth? This film explores why focusing on predictable revenue often increases company value more than growth alone.


RESILIENCE AI Advisor in ChatGPT is a platform which I have utilized to gather my knowledge, documents, articles, presentations and films into a ChatGPT. Use it to draw inspiration when working with RESILIENCE.


Rasmus Smet Jensen from MIR talks about how the company is increasing RESILIENCEby focus on recurring revenues from services.


You can download the presentations from my Keynote on RESILIENCE and the Insight for Leaders workshop whenever you need to refresh the content or share relevant points with your colleagues.


Syddt #93 Designing Resilient Business Models In A Vuca World

Designing Resilient Biz Models

This film is a keynote I gave for Sydney Design Thinking, where I presented RESILIENCE as a Strategy for the first time to a broader audience in February 2024.

Ændringer i forretningsmodeller

Business Model Shifts

Business Model Shifts show how companies have increased their RESILIENCE by improving revenue predictability visualized in a Business Model Canvas with before-and-after examples.

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Guld1000 makes us dumber

The name Guld1000 suggests that the number one on the list is the most valuable, but this is not the case, as Novo Nordisk, at number seven on the list, is 20 times more valuable than Mærsk.


RESILIENCE as a Strategy builds on PinPointers' work with strategy and innovation over the past 20 years. At PinPointers, we advise some of the world’s largest companies and organizations on innovation, while also facilitating strategy processes and act as a sparring partner for mid-sized Danish companies with ambitions for growth and development.

Work with me

I can inspire and facilitate your journey towards greater RESILIENCE in your business

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45 minute keynote


2 hour workshop - Insights for leaders


1-2 day workshop

Michael N. Wilkens, PinPointers ApS

Niels Hansens Vej 29 5700 Svendborg Danmark